OSPOS v2.3 added stock locations to the system. Start by clicking on the Store Config icon in the header.
This will bring up the Store Config page. Click on the Stock tab.
By default, there is one stock location called stock.
If you want to use set up another stock location called warehouse, click the "+" button, type a name in the text box, and click the Save button.
This will set up two stock locations: stock and warehouse.
Now you'll want to set up some inventory items. Click on the Items icon in the header. Click the New Item button. This will launch the New Items modal form.
You'll notice there are now two quantity fields: Quantity stock and Quantity warehouse. You can have different quantities in each location for each inventory item.
Click the Submit button to save your inventory item.
You'll notice there is a locations dropdown menu.
Using it, you can choose which location you want to look at. You'll notice your quantities will change as you change the location.
Now click on the Sales icon in the header. This will load the Sales Register.
You'll notice there's a Stock Location dropdown next to the Register Mode dropdown.
Find your item by typing its name into the Find/Scan Item field.
Once you've added your item to the sale, you'll notice that the Item Name column lists the quantity available in the chosen stock location.
Let's say the customer wants to buy 110, so you change the quantity to 110. You'll get a warning message that the desired quantity is insufficient.
This is because your customer wants to buy 110, but you only have 100 in the store.
You can fix this by changing the quantity to 100. The warning will disappear.
Of course, your customer still wants to buy 110, so change the stock location to warehouse.
Then find the same item again by typing its name into the Find/Scan Item field and select it to add it to the sale.
You'll see the same item has been added to your sale a second time.
Change the Warehouse Test Item to 10, and you can sell your customer 110 without encountering any warnings. Just have one of your employees drive over to the warehouse, and pick up the 10 items for your customer.
You can see a breakdown of your inventory by stock location by looking at the Inventory Summary Report. Click the Reports icon in the header, and then look under Inventory Reports for the Inventory Summary report.
Click it, and then click the Submit button. This will launch the Inventory Summary Report.
You can sort this report by "Stock location" if you want to. You can also export it.